Mental Health & Addiction with Sporting Chance


07780 00 88 77
Text or Call, 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday.

Tony Adams MBE, founded Sporting Chance in 2000. Sporting Chance Clinic is the brainchild of the former Arsenal and England captain based on his experience, and what he felt was lacking.

He saw the need for a safe, dedicated environment, where sports people could receive support and counselling for the kinds of destructive behaviour patterns that exist in the world of competitive sport, but that are often overlooked. 

If you are a current PDPA member and you need support with any mental health, emotional wellbeing or mental health issue please call 07780 00 88 77 or email [email protected]

Tony Adams MBE interview with Chris Murphy.

Sporting Chance offers support for

  • Addiction (Alcohol, Drugs, Gambling)
  • Mental Health Issues
  • Anxiety
  • Low Mood
  • Stress
  • Bereavement
  • Transition
  • Eating Disorders
  • Anger Management
  • Dementia
  • Relationship Issues
  • Identity Issues
  • Dealing with Injury
  • OCD
  • PTSD
  • Coping with Health Issues

You can call, text, email or speak to a PDPA Official. Our service is 100% confidential. 

Services offered by Sporting Chance Clinic

Darts and darts players will have their own unique set of circumstances and wants that we will need to educate ourselves to understand. This has been true of each sport we have worked with different cultures and pressures lead to different stresses, coping strategies, and problems.

What would also be true is that there is a commonality across sports and sportspeople that has informed what we do and how we do it to offer a safe and professional service. Key within this is assuring players of confidentiality and service that respects the structure and demands of their chosen discipline.

Sporting Chance is made up of three key departments: One-to-one counselling/therapy; Residential Treatment for Addictive Disorders and Education. Below is a brief description of each area.

  • One-to-One Counselling:
  • Therapy
  • Residential Treatment for Addictive Disorders:
  • Education

One-to-One Counselling & Therapy

Sporting Chance offers a national network of counsellors/therapists; all members of this network have been vetted with regards to qualifications, discipline, insurance, and suitability. The service is accessed by telephoning a central number or emailing a discreet address. The individual will be offered an informal guiding assessment as to the purpose of their call and the appropriate services we can offer in their area.

In most cases services will be offered within a geographical hour of the caller’s base and initial contact with the provider (Counsellor / Therapist) made within 24 hours. Presentations to this area include, Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol & Drug Use, Gambling, Bereavement and Transition Difficulties.

We recommend a model that follows ‘Nice’ guidelines an initial cluster of six sessions being offered. In seventy percent of cases this is ample to support an individual in to a place of self-care and an on-going solution. Some will not need all six and some will fail to take up their appointments. Of the other thirty percent we ask counsellors to request an additional cluster of six sessions with reasoning for our consideration.

It is rare that there is not good reason, and a request is not granted. Twelve sessions offer an individual, based on a weekly appointment, three months of counselling / therapy. We feel this is an excellent service offered by our current stakeholders to their members. We have a blanket fee that we pay on to network members.

Players can call themselves or be referred by you, the association. If a player chooses to come directly, we usually find a method of protecting their confidentiality. This is not a twenty-four-hour service, however we do work with a partner that can cover out-of-office hours if you wished to provide around the clock coverage.

In summary this is a low-cost way of offering access to a confidential service tailored to sports-participants needs.

Residential Treatment for Addictive Disorders

This is exactly what it says, a twenty-six-day residential programme offered exclusively to participants of sport. It treats addiction and uses a recognised model of treatment delivered by psychotherapists employed by the charity. Presentations to this service include alcohol, drug and gambling addiction; we will consider other presentations such as food and sex as secondary symptoms.

The key fact of this service is that it offers treatment for the specific issue – an addictive disorder; we will consider applicants with secondary diagnosis such as depression / bi-polar if they are under control but the treatment offered will not address these issues in isolation.

This is a unique service and probably the flagship of Sporting Chance, we believe it to be the only service in the world treating addictive disorders aimed exclusively at this group. Confidentiality is paramount to this service and given the highest attention from the moment of enquiry through to the process of aftercare.


Sporting Chance Education Department offers a range of seminars and workshops tailored to our stakeholders needs. As I said when we met, I think it would be good to discuss this area with Andrew Jordan our education lead and develop a programme that best suits darts. In my mind education serves two purposes: it acts as a preventative tool for those who may have a potential problem and as a signpost to services for those who already do.

Most education formats that we use provide a mix of information, self-reflection, and the opportunity to hear the experience of a player/ex-player (probably initially this will need to be from another sport) who have experienced the issues being discussed. We discussed opportunities to bring players and/or young players together to events or to build something into existing events to offer these seminars.

This face-to-face style of education has proved to offer a powerful and engaging format for many of our stakeholder’s audiences.

Stakeholders also advertise our services and contact details on their websites and at events. I think the important thing is to work together on providing education that is relevant and accessible to your members.