Free Courses with Future Pathway

The PDPA have joined forces with future pathway to offer our members FREE courses.

FREE Courses for Veterans and Sports men and women active or retired – NOW get ahead of the job market.

They are here to help.............

Click Here for the website or follow via twitter @Futurepathway1

President of the PDPA , Alan Warriner-Little , the former World No1 and World Grand Prix Champion, lends support to Future pathway.

The PDPA are pleased to announce our new partnership with Future pathway, for the benefit of our membership. Future pathway offers sports stars and veterans further educational opportunities through accredited courses which are FREE for the user, this will help increase prospects and open other doors and avenues you would like to pursue.

We all have new challenges ahead, joining forces with Future pathway will give our members the best chance to deal with these and we are delighted to be a part of it .

Having written the autobiography of former England footballer Kevin Beattie I know how hard it is for many sportsmen post-career. He went from being the inaugural PFA Young Player of the Year and ultimately had legendary manager Sir Bobby Robson declare him to be the ‘Greatest player that England has ever produced.’ However, six years later, his career was over.

Under-prepared and unqualified for anything but football, life beyond the game proved to be much more difficult than it ever was on the field of play. Sadly, he is one of many to have suffered such a fate with professional sport often failing its heroes once the final whistle blows. As a qualified school teacher, with a passion for both education and sport, I am delighted to be able to part of this exciting project. Hopefully, it can help those seeking to make a fresh start in life.

It is a similar scenario for many of our ex-forces heroes and the end of any career, especially one that sees a significant transition adjustment process and which also involves a major shift in identity is a traumatic time and to be able to help with the provision of free education courses and to help others start a new life, is an opportunity I am proud to be part of. Please take a look on the website and see what is on offer, there are plenty of free training opportunities and courses for all interests.

Good luck on your journey,

- Rob Finch ‘Future Pathway’

Click Here for there website or follow via twitter @Futurepathway1