Psychologist 'Sion Thomas'

PDPA Tour Card Holders can now use our official sports psychologist Sion Thomas

Sion has been working as a sport psychologist for over 20 years, in numerous sports. In that time he has worked with elite athletes from across 40 different sports, ranging from dressage riders to cage fighters. 

As well as working as a full-time University lecturer, Sion is also attached to Kent County Cricket Club, Harlequins RFC and Crystal Palace FC.

At present this is only for PDC Tour Card Holders. 

Click Here for Vimeo video for sports psychology support.

What is it really like up there on stage with hundreds, sometimes thousands watching in the arena and potentially millions tuning in? 

The very best athletes in the world need to find a way to embrace that sensation, that perceived pressure, and still perform as close as they can to their optimal zone. 

Ronnie O’Sullivan described just this scenario through his own lens back in 2023: “(You are) On your own, under the most extreme pressure, your back against the wall, but you’ve got to go out there and perform” 

He thrives in these situations, looking to embrace those thoughts and feelings as opposed to pushing them away. ‘That’s the ultimate pressure. I want that high. I love competing. I love playing. I love snooker” How do you manage your own negative thinking patterns? How do you find a way to get through the most challenging moments on stage? 

And do you get in your own way? If you’d like to explore some of these questions in more detail, and come up with really effective ways to manage these on and off the stage, why not make yourself just that little bit uncomfortable, and jump on a call with me?

Would love to hear from you…..

Get in touch with Sion -

Sion has been working on behalf of the PDPA as the appointed sport psychologist for a coupe of years now. It’s been a privilege and a pleasure to work with a number of you across this first 12 months in post.

Often players view sport psych support as only necessary when they may well be struggling on or away from the oche; there is plenty of truth in this statement. However Sport psychology support is also about performance enhancement.

It’s about making a positive difference viewed through a different set of eyes; a different lens that can help direct and facilitate players towards increased levels of consistency, confidence, and ultimately performance. Those small “marginal gains” might not appear to be significant, but often at the level you boys play at, they become the difference. To find out more, why not drop me an email or WhatsApp."

Contact Sion

07960 000543

He fully believes that the role of the sport psychologist is around performance enhancement; the elite athlete often has to contend with challenges both on and off the pitch, court and stage. A deeper understanding and awareness of these challenges leads to a positive and/or growth mindset.

Sion’s work will enable players to learn to embrace situations as opposed to avoid; he firmly believes in the mantra that athletes have to “Be comfortable being uncomfortable”. There are so many variables that athletes spend far too much time focusing on (we sometimes refer to these as task-irrelevant cues).

Much of Sion’s work revolves around developing interventions and strategies that therefore enable players to “Control the Controllable’s”. The PDPA will be sending all this information and contacts to our members.

‘We are delighted to have Sion on board for our members use. We take all of our members health very seriously, we already have sporting chance and a thrive wellbeing APP on board and our signatory for the Mental Health Charter for Recreation and Sport, this addition reflects our continued commitment to our members wellbeing.


As a Tour Card Holder the PDPA will pay for your initial 1 hour consultation so is FREE to you as a PDPA member, following this initial consultation and you feel you need to carry on, your arrangements and any remaining costs will be payable by yourself.