Women's Series Information & Induction

PDC Women's Series & World Matchplay

In 2025 there will be 24 events in blocks of 6 weekends (4 each weekend) and two per day - In Rosmalen, Milton Keynes and Wigan. Each event has a prize fund of £10,000 with £2,000 for each winner.

The Women's World Matchplay holds a £25,000 purse with £10,000 to the winner. A total of £225,000 in prize money over the 2025 season.

Event Entries:
All new players must Register their details with the system at this link before being able to enter events.

Following your registration, you will receive an email to confirm that you are available to enter tournaments, and at this stage you can login to make your entry to the relevant tournament. This verification may take up to 48 hours, which you should be aware of close to entry deadlines.

Players should pay particular attention to the entry deadlines for events, as the automated system closes entry at the advertised date/time.

When entering tournaments, players should note that:
Each event entry is £25
A confirmation of entry will appear on-screen.
A confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address for the player.
Players can login and check Tournaments Entered at any time to see events which they have entered.

*Do not leave it until the last minute, check you are entered correctly, because if you are not in the entries at 14.00hrs on the deadline day you will not be entered and will be unable to play*

Event payments:
Are via bacs bank payments, usually 2-3 weeks after the event, there is a form you must fill in, sign and return to the PDC, you can get this form at the event or email us direct and we will send you one [email protected] 

2025 PDC Women’s Series Prize Money:

Champion £2,000
Runner-Up £1,000
Semi-Finalists £500
Quarter-Finalists £300
Last 16 Losers £200
Last 32 Losers £100
Last 64 Losers £50*
Total £10,000

* Please note: If less than 128 players compete in any of the events, PDC Rule 4.17 will apply, as follows: A player who benefits from a bye but then loses the match in the round into which they were placed as a result of the bye shall only be credited on the relevant Orders of Merit with prize money based on the previous round. For example, if a player receives a bye from the first round into the second round of an Event, but then loses in the second round, they shall only be credited with first round loser prize money. However, if they win their second round match but lose in the third round, they shall be credited with third round loser prize money.


The following rewards are on offer to players competing in the Women’s Series:

- The two highest ranked players on the 2025 Women’s Series Order of Merit receive an invitation to the 2025/26 World Championship.
- The highest ranked player on the 2025 Women's Series Order of Merit receive an invitation to the 2025 Grand Slam of Darts.
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for the 2025/26 World Championship, or reject their invitations, further places shall be offered to other players from the relevant Order of Merit until the places are filled..

- The winner of the 2025 Women’s World Matchplay will receive an invitation to the 2025 Grand Slam of Darts and 2025/26 World Championship. 
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for the 2025 Grand Slam of Darts or 2025/26 World Championship, or reject their invitations, no further places shall be offered. The place in the 2025/26 World Championship will then be added to the Tour Card Holder Qualifier.

- The players who finish first to eighth (count-back applied in event of ties) on the 2025 Women’s Series Order of Merit will receive free entry to the 2026 Q School.
NOTE: in the event that any of the players above already have a Tour Card or qualify otherwise for a Q School place or reject their invitations, places will not be offered further down the Women’s Series Orders of Merit.

World Matchplay 2025: The top 8 players from the WSOoM Rolling Table qualify for this event. The rolling table starts after the 2024 WMP is completed, until the final event prior the WMP the following year.

Women's WMP Prize Money
Winner: £10,000
Runner-Up: £5,000
Semi-Finalists: £2,500
Quarter-Finalists: £1,250
Total: £25,000

Womens Series Online Induction

As a Women’s Series player, you are not a member of the PDPA unless you went to Q-School. However as part of entering you are bound by all PDC, DRA & PDPA Rules. 

Mr Peter Manley is your direct contact, and he will be at most if not all WS events, if you need anything you need to contact him at the event or the details below.

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 (0) 7932 714229
Twitter: @onedart180

Sporting Chance: We take all of our members health seriously, especially mental health – if you have any problems or issues, please do contact us, we treat with full confidentiality.

You can also call our Sporting Chance Hotline which is specifically for Dart Players.

Please call this number below it is FREE, please also add this number to you phone so you have it at hand if you need it, when you cal just say you are a PDPA Member. 

PLEASE NOTE: this service is for PDPA Members ONLY, so you would have had to play at Q-School to be a PDPA member. Playing in the Women's Series only, does not qualify for membership.  Terms and conditions apply. 

CONFIDENTIAL 24/7 HELPLINE No +44 (0) 7780 00 88 77

ThriveAPP: Train your mind with the FREE Thrive Wellbeing https://pdpa.co.uk/your-wellbe...

You must note that as a PDPA Member in a DRA Sanctioned event. You ARE NOT allowed to bet on any darts match FULL STOP whether you are playing, not playing or it is a different organisation.


If you are approached by anyone to fix a match YOU MUST report this ASAP to [email protected] or [email protected] OR to any official at an event so they can pass it on or give our details to you. If you fall foul of these rules, you could be banned for a significant period.

If you are looking to sign a contract. WAIT – THINK We can help you with this, we will check your contract to make sure it is a viable contract for your needs. This is FREE for you, we can also use our PDPA Solicitor for any legal checks.

Always check before you sign. You can send to Women's Series PDPA Representative Peter Manley [email protected] or at Women's Series' events. Contracts van be legally binding so once you sign it you could be viable for all of its contents.

We have a twitter, Instagram, and a Face Book Account, so for updated information or urgent news items please make sure you follow.

  • Twitter > @PDPA_darts
  • Facebook > @PDPA.darts
  • Instagram > PDPA_darts
  • LinkedIn > [email protected]
  • Contacts > PDPA Office [email protected] Office 01228 594273
    President Alan Warriner-Little [email protected] Mobile 07798 693998

If you do get any online social media abuse, make sure you:

  • Report it to us.
  • Do not reply.
  • Block the abuser.

We also have other help, advice, and tools which we can send you. These are our social media guidelines CLICK HERE

If your manager/agent/friend do entries for you, it is worth finding out how they are done for future reference. To make sure you are all ready for the new season, please make sure you have entered the events prior to the deadlines.

EMAIL via our email server MAIL CHIMP:
We will send you information via email, so make sure we know your email address, and always check it regularly.

If you do get a DRA referral, you must first contact PDPA CEO Alan Warriner-Little [email protected] OR Mobile 07798 693998 OR PDPA Office 01228 594273 which is open 10am-4pm Mon-Fri

Go to your PDC account and fill in all the required info on your Personal Details. Its is extremely Important to include your emergency contact phone number.and tick the PDPA rules T&C at the bottom. 


We have an assortment of PDPA Partners for your benefit, see below which one can benefit you and your career.

  • DartConnect
  • Prosperity Wealth (Pensions/Investments)
  • Money Matters (Free Government Website)
  • Red Star Education
  • Griffiths & Pegg (Accountancy)
  • Travel Counsellors (Fights & ET Hotels)
  • Certis Car/Home/Travel Insurance
  • PDPA Sports Solicitor (Contracts)
  • GambleAware
  • GamStop
  • Psychologist
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Nutrionist
  • Sporting Chance (Mental Health & Addictive Behaviour)
  • PPF (Professional Players Federation)
  • THRIVE (Free Wellbeing App)
  • LAPS (Life After Professional Sport)
  • Future Pathway (Free Courses)