Travel to Halle 39, Hildesheim
Venue Address:
Halle 39, Schinkelstraße 7, 31137 Hildesheim, Germany
For their website for any venue details CLICK HERE
Nearest Airport:
Hanover Airport is 48km (30m) from Hildesheim CLICK ON MAP Below.
Note these directions are to the Novotel which is the official PDC-E Hotel for Non European Tour events.

Travel in Germany:
- Taxis
Can be costly but if you are in a group it is more amenable. - Pre-Booked Transfers
via is a great option CLICK HERE and add your details. - Train:
You can get the train from Hannover Airport to Hildesheim which takes up to 1hr 20m CLICK HERE for map.
PDC Europe Shuttle: (European Tour Event Only)
This is only available to and from the official hotel and venue.
For Flights:
Travel Counsellor ‘Tina Tomlinson’ and the team have been with us for over 5 years as our official PDPA Travel Partner.
- Email (Best Contact): [email protected]
- Website:
- Office: 0161 826 6790
- Tina Mobile: 07510 580427
- Facebook: @tinattravel
- Instagram @tinattravel