PDPA Diversity, Inclusion & Rights Policy


  • Foreword
  • What is Inclusion
  • What is Diversity
  • Making things happen
  • The benefits of Inclusion
  • The PDPA Equality & Diversity Policy
  • Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill 2022-23:
  • The DRA Trans and Gender Diverse Policy (Link)


The sporting landscape has changed enormously in recent years. Government and community expectations for good governance, integrity, equality, member protection and child safeguarding means that providing safe, fair and inclusive sporting environments is no longer an aspiration, but an imperative.

The demographic of the communities in which sport operates has also changed dramatically: for example, 25% of Australia’s population is born overseas, almost 50% have one parent born in other countries, 260 languages are spoken, one in five has a disability and over 50% are women and girls. As a result culturally, linguistically and gender diverse communities globally are looking for sporting options that celebrate diversity, promote inclusion, and most importantly, make people feel like they belong.

What is Inclusion?

Inclusion is pro-active behaviours, options and actions to make people from all backgrounds, ages and abilities feel welcome, respected and that they belong in any environment. Being inclusive is about following best practice for what sport should be so that everyone can get the most out of it.

What is Diversity?

Diversity is the mix of peoples’ different attributes and backgrounds (i.e. race, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion). A good way to think about diversity is to think about your local community. Diversity is the mix of people and inclusion is trying to get this mix to all work together in harmony.

Making inclusion happen

Everyone should have the opportunity to be actively involved in whatever sport they choose, in whatever capacity they choose. Each sporting organisation should be committed to being inclusive and open to all regardless of age, gender, disability, cultural or religious background or sexual orientation, or other attributes that may lead to any person feeling excluded or isolated.

But the reality is, tales of missed opportunities still exist, and some people who want to play sport feel, for a variety of reasons and barriers, excluded and don’t become involved. See some of the following barriers that exist:

Culturally and linguistically diverse populations: A love of sport can be found in people of different races, backgrounds, and cultures. Yet this shared interest can raise several complex issues that involve balancing a person’s cultural traditions with their compliance with social norms and traditional rules and procedures.

Gender inclusion: Although people like to think of sport as being fair and open to all, sometimes individuals or groups are excluded or prevented from participating equally. If the unfair treatment is based on gender, then it could be gender discrimination.

Homophobia and sexuality: Unfair treatment based on someone’s sexuality – or assumptions about their sexuality – is unfair discrimination and has no place in any sport and recreation environment.

People with disability: Participation rates for people with disability are significantly lower than the general population. While attitudes and practices are changing there is still work to do. There are many practical ideas, tools and strategies you can use to ensure people with disability have every opportunity to participate in activities of their choice.

Race based inclusion: Racism can have a profound impact on people’s involvement in sport. It can affect motivation, enjoyment and levels of participation and, if unchecked, may result in inappropriate, potentially dangerous and violent behaviour. Racial harassment, discrimination and vilification have no place in sport.

Sport can provide a vital pathway to improving the social and economic wellbeing of people from all communities, however some have had to overcome racial prejudices, stereotypes, biases and a lack of cultural awareness in order to excel at their chosen sport.

Religious vilification: The issue of religious vilification is on many sports’ radars with a growing number producing codes to stamp out racial and religious vilification and create sporting environments which are accepting of all religious beliefs.

The benefits of inclusion

By working together, we can all:

  • Provide a safe and welcoming environment for everyone involved in the sport.
  • Break down barriers and promote social inclusion.
  • Ensure consistency in working towards strategic objectives for the sport.
  • Meet regulatory obligations.
  • Increase governance and risk management and decrease potential legal risks.
  • Increase membership.
  • Increase pathway and participation opportunities.
  • Increase sponsorship opportunities.
  • Increase public support and volunteer base.
  • Ensure greater publicity and positive public image.
  • Provide a better connected and diverse community within the sport.

The PDPA Equality & Diversity Policy

We are dedicated to committed to ensuring an equal, diverse, supportive, and inclusive culture for staff and members alike.

The workplace includes all areas from the office base, event venues, hotels, and any other area where events or work-related items take place, including social media.

We will work to ensure we are complaint to all areas of law as per the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill and promote diversity to eliminate unlawful discrimination and promote diversity throughout the whole of the PDPA including the board of directors, any employees, and the membership of the association.

We want our staff and members to be representative of all sections of society. We will achieve this through equal opportunities given to any applications for membership and work to address current under-representation across the business.

We are also committed against Bullying, Harassment and unlawful discrimination of the public, our partners, broadcasters, suppliers, commercial partners and the general public.

Our policy’s purpose

This policy reinforces our commitment to equality and fairness throughout our organisation. Our commitment to employees and members is that we will not provide less favourable treatment on the grounds of:

  • age
  • disability
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage or civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

These are known as the Protected Characteristics.

We oppose and avoid all forms of unlawful discrimination, including when dealing with:

  • pay & benefits
  • terms and conditions of employment
  • dealing with grievances and discipline
  • dismissal
  • redundancy
  • leave for carers and parents
  • requests for flexible working
  • selection for employment, promotion, training, or other developmental opportunities
  • also pregnancy maternity, paternity and adoption policies

Bullying, Harassment, and unlawful discrimination.

Bullying is usually described as:Offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.’

Harassment is usually defined as: ‘Subjecting an individual to conduct which is unwanted and where the conduct has the purpose or effect of violating the victim’s dignity or creating an environment that is intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive to the victim.’

Discrimination is usually defined as: ‘Treating somebody less favourably because of a protected characteristic.’

Examples of Bullying, Harassment and unlawful discrimination include, and can take many forms:

  • Sending emails or messages with offensive jokes or graphics about race or religion.
  • Inappropriate requests in person or through email or text.
  • Asking about family history of illnesses or genetic disorders.
  • Making derogatory comments about someone’s disability, age or sexual orientation
  • Overpowering, shouting, or other abuse
  • Treating someone less favourably because of a protected characteristic
  • Inappropriate comments about any of the protected characteristics even as “banter”
  • Using language that is not inclusive
  • Micro-aggressions such as commenting on someone’s food, hair or diet
  • Intimidating behaviours including shouting and swearing.
  • REMOVE AS DUPLICATE Treating someone less favourably because of a protected characteristic

Our commitments
The organisation commits to:

  1. Encourage equality, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace and membership.
  2. Take a zero-tolerance stance on bullying, harassment, victimisation, and unlawful discrimination. This includes promoting dignity and respect for all, taking seriously complaints of unfavourable treatment, and disciplining those that breach this policy.
  3. Make opportunities for training, development, and progress available to all staff and members.
  4. Make decisions on hiring, promotions, and benefits based on merit (apart from in any necessary and limited exemptions and exceptions allowed under the Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill). When selected for employment, promotion, training, benefits or applying or accepted as a member it will be based on aptitude and ability only.
  5. Regularly review practices and procedures to ensure fairness, update them where necessary to take account of changes in the law.
  6. Monitor the make-up of the membership and workforce regarding information such as age, sex, ethnic background, sexual orientation, religion or belief, and disability in encouraging equality,
  7. To encourage staff and members to speak up if they feel they have been subject to discrimination.
  8. To encourage our employees and members to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

We will treat all employees and members fairly and with respect, whether they are part-time, full-time, temporary or in terms of membership; Full, Associate, Junior, Women’s, Day, or related to any other tour linked to our association.

Who, where to complain to:

Any complaints, concerns or issues related to this policy document should be sent to PDPA Chief Executive Ain Warriner-Little via [email protected]

Sanctions for non-compliance of this document.

Staff: Any staff member who is non-compliant to the above policy will receive a formal warning via an appropriate letter from the association. If the issue persists, a formal meeting will be arranged with the board of directors, to discuss the issues and any sanctions required if appropriate.

(new line) Members: A referral will be sent to the Darts Regulation Authority.

Agreement to follow this policy

The equality, diversity and inclusion policy is fully supported by senior management and has been agreed with the board of directors on: 10th May 2023 at a PDPA Board Meeting

We will monitor and review this policy to ensure that our ongoing mission to provide an equal and diverse workplace is fulfilled.

The Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Bill 2022-23:

Progress of the Bill is still in parliament Click Here to download the full bill. The final policy will be shown once completed.