PDPA launches its Official Darts Coaching Development Programme
We are pleased to announce that the first two PDPA Coaching days in March have been completed, we have a waiting list for other applicants for dates in Derby 21st May and Middlesbrough on the 20th June.
Any further details and updates will be confirmed in due course. Successful applicants for further courses will be contacted directly.

“Become an Official PDPA Darts Coach”
The Official PDPA (Professional Darts Players Association) Darts Coaching Programme is a series of Coaching Courses developed for Darts Enthusiasts around the world to learn how to Coach Darts Professionally, Safely & Effectively at all levels Regulated & Endorsed to UK National Coaching Standards.
Alan Warriner-Little President of the PDPA says:
We are all delighted to get the official PDPA Coaching Programme up and running, all other UK Sports have an official coaching programme for their sport, Darts did not, this has now changed.
This is the first and currently the only accredited Darts Coaching Scheme with 1st4sport and UK Coaching, endorsed by our Sports Governing Body the DRA and the PDC.
This is the only way to do this properly for the future of our Sport, our team has the vision for a professional approach and delivery of what is needed for a coach to succeed.
We are all looking forward to getting started, we hope you are too. Enjoy.
What’s involved ….
Level 1 – the PDPA Darts Coaching Course has been developed in partnership with UK Coaching & 1st4Sport as its entry level Coaching badge ensuring all its Coaches complete the relevant checks within their chosen country and receive Safeguarding & Child Protection training.
Aspiring Coaches will learn as part of their course….
- Safeguarding & Child Protection training
- The roles & Responsibilities of an official PDPA Darts Coach
- How to communicate effectively with your pupils
- Why eating healthy can improve playing Darts
- How to plan your Coaching sessions
- Instruction on how to Play & Coach the mechanics of Darts using the official PDPA darts training programme comprising of an interactive session working in pairs learning how to take your first steps in Darts coaching via the official “Train the Trainer” model with tutorial support supported by visual and recorded technical analysis learning techniques.
- How to set up & promote your own Darts Coaching part time/full time Coaching Business, Darts Academy or Junior Club.
- Coaches from Level 1 will have preference for Levels 2 and 3.
Following the course each learner will receive video footage/analysis highlighting their playing and Coaching performance, this will support their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) as an official PDPA Darts Coach
View the PDPA Darts Coach Course Programme – See Below
What you will receive….
- Nationally recognised official Certificates from the PDPA, 1ST4Sport & UK Coaching
- Official PDPA Coaching Polo shirt
- Official PDPA Coaching License/Photographic ID Card
- Your details will be added to the specific area here as an offocial coach.
- Professional training and support
- Follow Up Zoom call after 6/12 months.
- Information, Advice & Guidance (IAG) to support your Coaching development delivered by former Darts Tour Professionals
- Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to ensure you develop and reach your full aspirations and potential
The opportunity to join the PDPA Coaching team and support the growth of Darts around the world - Who can apply….
You need to be aged 18 by Part 1 of the Course and have a good understanding of how to play and understand the rules of Darts. Further information can be found at DRA Rulebook | Darts Regulation Authority (thedra.co.uk)
Or contact [email protected] for help & advice as part of the PDPA’s Information, Advice & Guidance programme.
How much does it cost?
- Payment & Terms
- Full payment of £199 is payable once application has been accepted.
- Deposits & balance payments are non-refundable.
- It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they attend ALL parts of the course.
- If for any reason you are unable to attend all parts of the course, no refunds will be issued, and payments made will not be made to a future course.
- Payment can be made by bacs/bank transfer, please contact [email protected] for the bank details.
- Places will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- Course places are limited to up to 15 people per course
How to apply – See Application Form Below
The PDPA Strategic Coaching Policy
As part of its strategic Coaching Policy the PDPA will consult with its new official Darts Coach’s, Professional Players and industry representatives via the new PDPA Darts Coaching Steering Group which will act as the industry representative body to support the future development of Coaching & technical levels based on the progress of the Level 1 -PDPA Darts Coaching Course.
The group will be chaired and led by former tour professionals Glen Durrant & Jamie Caven with new members invited to join the group on an ongoing basis.
Following the introduction of the official Level 1 -PDPA Darts Coaching Course, the PDPA working in partnership with 1st4Sport Qualifications will research and develop its Level 2- Certificate in Darts Coaching and its Level 3 Certificate in Advanced Darts Skills introducing a highly trained team of certified Professionals to support its Darts course delivery team of Glen and Jamie to deliver Nutrition, Sports Psychology, Bio Mechanics and Elite Darts practice and performance training together any additional aspects which the group feels are required to meet the needs of the sport.
The PDPA Coaching pathway will begin at level 1 with progression opportunities to Level 2 & 3 with no Accreditation of Prior Achievement (APA) available.
Expressions of interest taken via our application process by emailing [email protected]
Further details will be issued on an ongoing basis. The PDPA Coaching Programme offers confidential Information Advice & Guidance (IAG) For any queries or information please feel free to contact [email protected]