Development Tour & World Youth Championship Info & Induction


- Development Tour Info
- World Youth Championship Info 
- Development Tour & WYC Online Induction  

Development Tour Info:

The 2025 PDC Winmau Development Tour season will have 24 events culminating in the World Youth Championship in Milton Keynes with the final in Minehead.

The year will once again see 24 events take place on the Development Tour, with a boosted £15,000 prize fund up for grabs in each event including an increased £2,500 to each winner.


All new players must Register their details with the system at this link before being able to enter events. Entries are £25 per event. 

Following your registration, you will receive an email to confirm that you are available to enter tournaments, and at this stage you can login to make your entry to the relevant tournament. This verification may take up to 48 hours, which you should be aware of close to entry deadlines.

Players should pay particular attention to the entry deadlines for events, as the automated system closes entry at the advertised date/time.

All entries can then be made through the PDC Entry System via this link.

Development Tour & YOUR PDPA Junior Membership:

If you did not go to Q-School or you are not a PDPA Member, you are required to pay the 2025 ‘PDPA Junior Membership’ after you have played in 5 events in the season, this is £50 and we will send you details of how to pay following your 5th event.

Players who are only playing in the WYC are not subject to the above criteria. 

Development Tour & WYC Induction:

All Development Tour players and WYC participants except for Tour Card Holders must complete a PDPA Development Tour Induction as below. 


Players can compete in PDC Winmau Development Tour events from the day they turn 16, with an upper age limit of being 23 or under on January 4, 2025. Players who are ranked in the top 32 of the PDC Order of Merit on the cut-off date of an event are not eligible to enter those Development Tour events.

Players who are ranked in the top 64 of the PDC Order of Merit on the cut-off date of an Event are not eligible to enter those Development Tour Events. Players who turn 16 during 2025 shall be eligible to enter Development Tour Events or World Youth Championship qualifiers from the date of their 16th birthday.

Incentives -The following rewards are on offer to players competing in the Development Tour.

- The two highest ranked players on the 2025 Development Tour Order of Merit receive an invitation to the 2025/26 World Championship. 
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for the 2025/26 World Championship, or reject their invitations, further places shall be offered to other players from the relevant Order of Merit until the places are filled.

- The top two players on the final 2025 Development Tour Orders of Merit who have not otherwise qualified for Tour Cards for 2026 will receive two-year Tour Cards.
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for a Tour Card or reject their invitations, places will be offered further down the Challenge and Development Tour Orders of Merit.

- The players who finish third to 16th (count-back applied in event of ties) on the 2025 Development Tour Order of Merit will receive free entry to the 2026 Q School, subject to paying your DRA Fee
NOTE: in the event that any of the players above already have a Tour Card or qualify otherwise for a Q School place or reject their invitations, places will not be offered further down the Challenge and Development Tour and Women’s Series Orders of Merit.

World Youth Championship:

- The World Youth Championship starts at the Last 128 round and is comprised of a maximum of 32 invitations, plus any players who under rule 6.2 have qualified by virtue of holding a Tour Card with all remaining places up to 128 being taken from the final 2025 Development Tour Order of Merit, using count-back as per rule 3.2 if required to determine positions

- The World Youth Championship is played over the best of nine legs for group stage matches and the best of 11 legs for the knockout stage. The group stage will consist of four players per group. The full format will be confirmed in due course.

- The World Youth Championship will include 32 seeds, being based on the Main Order of Merit with the remaining positions based on the final 2025 Development Order of Merit, and will be played down to a Final. The Final will then be scheduled during a PDC Premier or Invitational Event at a later date (expected to be at the 2025 Players Championship Finals).

Incentives -The following rewards are on offer to players competing in the World Youth Championship..

- The winner of the 2025 World Youth Championship will receive an invitation to the 2025/26 World Championship and the finalists will receive an invitation to the 2026 Grand Slam of Darts.
NOTE: if any of the players who achieve the above otherwise qualify for the 2025 Grand Slam of Darts or 2025/26 World Championship, or reject their invitations, no further places shall be offered. The place in the 2025/26 World Championship will then be added to the Tour Card Holder Qualifier.

PDC Development Tour events will be staged as follows (Unless otherwise stated)

08.00 – Doors Open
08.00/09.30 – Registration for the days first event. Players entered both events will be registered for both events on arrival. Play will start 30 minutes after the draw has been displayed in arena.
Before 12.30 – Players competing in only event two of the day must register by this time.
The start of the second event will commence at the conclusion of event one.

Total prize fund the Winmau Development Tour/Winmau World Youth Championship £360,000



  1. PDPA Membership (FREE Junior PDPA Membership for first 5 events of the season)
  2. PDPA Development Tour Representative (Mr Jamie Caven)
  3. PDPA Wellbeing (Sporting Chance – Thrive Wellbeing APP)
  4. Betting Integrity (Signage at events – Wessel Nijman Video)
  5. Responsible Drinking
  6. Agents/Sponsors (Contracts)
  7. Social Media (And On-Line Abuse)
  8. Entries
  9. PDC Prize Money
  10. Website
  11. Emails
  12. DRA
  13. Your PDC Online Account
  14. PDPA Partners


FREE for your first 5 events, £50 for the rest of the season.

If you did not go to Q-School or you are not a PDPA Member, you are required to pay the 2024 ‘PDPA Junior Membership’ after you have played in 5 events in the season, this is £50 and we will send you details of how to pay following your 5th event.

Players who are only playing in the WYC are not subject to the above criteria.


Mr Jamie Caven is your direct contact and he will be at most if not all D/T & WYC events, if you need anything you need to contact him at the event or the details below.

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +44 (0) 7853 850567
Twitter: @jabba180
Facebook: jamiecaven180


If you are looking to sign a contract. WAIT – THINK We can help you with this, we will check your contract to make sure it is a viable contract for your needs. This is FREE for you, we can also use our PDPA Solicitor for any legal checks.

Always check before you sign. You can send to Development Tour Representative Jamie Caven [email protected] OR PDPA President Alan Warriner-Little [email protected] Contracts can be legally binding so once you sign it you could be viable for all of its contents.


We have a twitter, Instagram and a Face Book Account, so for updated information or urgent news items please make sure you follow.

  • Twitter > @PDPA_darts
  • Facebook > @PDPA.darts
  • Contacts > PDPA Office [email protected] Office 01228 594273
    CEO Alan Warriner-Little [email protected] Mobile 07798 693998


Sporting Chance: We take all of our members health seriously, especially mental health – if you have any problems or issues please do contact us, we will treat any enquiries with full confidentiality.

You can also call our Sporting Chance Hotline which is specifically for Dart Players. Please call this number below it is FREE, please also add this number to you phone so you have it at hand if you need it.

Sporting Chance:

CONFIDENTIAL 24/7 HELPLINE No +44 (0) 7780 00 88 77

ThriveAPP: Train your mind with the the FREE Thrive Wellbeing APP


You must note that as a PDPA Member in a DRA Sanctioned event. You ARE NOT allowed to bet on any darts match FULL STOP whether you are playing, not playing or it is a different organisation.


If you are approached by anyone to fix a match YOU MUST report this ASAP to [email protected] or [email protected] OR to any official at an event so they can pass it on or give our details to you. If you fall foul of these rules you could be banned for a significant period.


In 2020 Development Tour player Wessel Nijman was suspended for fixing a game against David Evans in the Modus A Night at the Darts event. Nijman admitted having taken payment to ensure he would lose the match 4–0. The Darts Regulation Authority banned Nijman for five years starting from 18 August 2020, with the latter two and a half years of that ban suspended


Your heath, wellbeing and ability to perform at your best level are our prime concerns for all of our members. These events are long days and long weekends, please drink responsibly whist at these events. Know your limits and drink water as much as possible.


If you do get any online social media abuse, make sure you:

  • Report it to us.
  • Do not reply.
  • Block the abuser.

We also have other help, advice and tools which we can send you. These are our social media guidelines CLICK HERE


If your manager/agent/friend do entries for you, it is worth finding out how they are done for future reference. To make sure you are all ready for the new season, please make sure you have entered the events prior to the deadlines.


This is usually paid within a few weeks of the event, make sure you have filled in a Bank Form, and signed it. Remember, you CANNOT use a third parties bank details unless they are a registered agent/manager or your parent/guardian.


We will send you information via email, so make sure we know your email address, and always check it regularly.


If you do get a DRA referral, you must first contact PDPA CEO Alan Warriner-Little [email protected] OR Mobile 07798 693998 OR PDPA Office 01228 594273 which is open 10am-4pm Mon-Fri


Go to your PDC account and fill in all the required info on your Personal Details. Its is extremely Important to include your emergency contact phone number and tick the box to agree to the PDPA rules.


We have an assortment of PDPA Partners for your benefit, see below which one can benefit you and your career.

  • DartConnect
  • Prosperity Wealth (Pensions/Investments)
  • Money Matters (Free Government Website)
  • Red Star Education 
  • Griffiths & Pegg (Accountancy)
  • Travel Counsellors (Fights & ET Hotels)
  • Certis Car/Home/Travel Insurance
  • PDPA Sports Solicitor (Contracts)
  • GambleAware
  • GamStop
  • Psychologist
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Nutrionist
  • Sporting Chance (Mental Health & Addictive Behaviour)
  • PPF (Professional Players Federation)
  • THRIVE (Free Wellbeing App)
  • LAPS (Life After Professional Sport)
  • Future Pathway (Free Courses)