DRA's Commitment to Anti-Doping in Darts

The DRA adopts a full anti-doping regime with regard to the Sport of Darts. The anti-doping rules of the DRA are the UK Anti-Doping Rules published by the Drug-Free Sport Directorate of UK Sport (or its successor)

1 - Drug Testing 
2 - TUE Forms
3 - Prohibited Substance List
4 - Beta Blockers
5 - Check Your Medication
6 - CBD Oil
7 - Supplements​
8 - Dutch Doping Authorities Website for Dutch Players


Players competing in events organised by associations affiliated to the DRA may be subject to random drugs tests at any time.

These independent tests would then be analysed following the standard procedures, and any failed test would then be subject to further investigation and, where appropriate, a UK Anti-Doping Disciplinary Hearing.

The DRA oversees a random drug testing programme in line with its Anti – Doping Rules. This means that any Player competing in a DRA sanctioned event may be required to undertake a drug test. Please click on the link below to see the letter to Players that provides information and guidance on this important issue.

Please note that it is the Players responsibly to ensure that any medication or supplement that he/she takes does not contain a prohibited substance. READ MORE (PDF)


Therapeutic Use Exemptions, players may be concerned that being prescribed medication for a medical condition it may affect their ability to participate in a darts event.

Many prescribed drugs will not prevent you from competing, but some may. The key point for players is to contact the DRA via the following email addresses at the earliest opportunity to check any prescribed medication:

Tim Ollerenshaw [email protected]
Alan Warriner-Little [email protected]

​They will be able provide assistance and support in players should deal with matters. 

For a TUE Form please contact the PDPA who will send you the new DRA TUE Form [email protected] or [email protected] we can also send you a user guide to show you how to fill in the form correctly. 


For players who may be prescribed a Beta Blocker for a condition of which the Beta Blocker isn't for its primary use i.e. Propranolol for ADHD or Anxiety a second opinion can be sought via our Mental Health providers. Please contact Alan Warriner-Little as above. 


To check all your medications on the current WADA 'World Anti-Doping Agency' prohibited substance list CLICK HERE


From May 2023 Beta Blockers are a Banned substance, if you are taking beta blockers you will need a completed TUE form (See Above) to take this medication. If your TUE has not yet been processed, you need to contact the DRA to make sure you can take your medication until your TUE has been agreed and completed. 


Out of competition is not an issue, if you take this in competition, due to the metabolic structure once taken this can give you a positive test result, so you may need a TUE to take this whilst playing. Please Ask Alan Warriner-Little for advice. 


To check any medications, you are taking via the Global DRO click the link below & the follow instructions as shown below.


USER TYPE > Athlete
SPORT > Darts (WDF)
NATION OF PURCHASE > UK (unless from outside uk)
TOTAL RESULTS > Pick Which One you are taking


Are supplements so the usual general advice applies, players should only take them at their own risk.

There is a growing number of cannabidiol (CBD) products that can be purchased in forms such as oils, extracts, vape and e-liquids. This advisory note aims to provide information about the status of CBD within sport and the risks associated with the use of CBD products for athlete’s subject to the rules of anti-doping.

What is cannabidiol? CBD is one of around 110 known cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant. It has a different chemical structure to Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the psychoactive compound that illicit drug users use to get “high”. CBD does not have this effect.

What is the status of cannabidiol in sport? CBD is not currently listed on the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Prohibited List. As a result, it is permitted to use in sport. All other cannabinoids (including but not limited to cannabis, hashish, marijuana, and THC) are prohibited in-competition. The intention of the regulations is to prohibit cannabinoids that activate the same receptors in the brain as activated by THC.

THC has a reporting threshold in urine of 150 nanograms per milliliter. Other cannabinoids on the Prohibited List do not have a reporting threshold, meaning that the detection of even the smallest amount in urine will be considered as an Adverse Analytical Finding (AAF).

What is UK Anti-Doping’s position regarding the use of cannabidiol products in sport
The use of any CBD product is at the athlete’s own risk. As a result, CBD products should be considered in the same way as all other dietary supplements. That being, if an athlete did use a CBD Product that led to an Adverse Analytical Finding for THC (or any other prohibited substance), their use of this product would not mitigate their fault.

What is the composition of cannabidiol products?
It is difficult to extract only CBD from the cannabis plant meaning that most CBD products will contain a mixture of compounds that are derived from the plant (including THC). CBD products that are derived from industrial hemp claim to contain low concentrations of THC. However, the following factors may influence the levels of THC within CBD products:

  • The variety of the plant used
  • The part of the plant used
  • The refinement process used by the manufacturer
  • The preparation of the product

These factors make it challenging to provide a definitive answer on whether use of a product would lead an athlete to ingest enough THC to incur an AAF should they be drug tested in-competition.

What are the risks of using cannabidiol products for athlete’s subject to the rules of anti-doping? Despite the permitted status of CBD, athletes must still consider the risk of inadvertently ingesting a CBD product that either has a higher THC concentration than expected or contains another cannabinoid that is prohibited in sport. This may occur if:

  1. a product becomes contaminated with a different species of plant that has a high-THC concentration; or
  2. the wrong part of the cannabis plant is used during the manufacturing process (due to misidentification).

Indeed, the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) routinely publish quality control issues found in US manufactured CBD products. The same risks apply to UK manufactured products.

A study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2017 documented the detection of THC in some CBD products at levels higher than is currently permitted by the FDA.

A study published by Forensic Science International in 2018 also detected 5F-ADB (a prohibited cannabinoid) in commercially available CBD e-liquids in the US.

Is third-party batch testing a solution to minimise the risk of ingesting cannabidiol products that have a high THC content or that contain other cannabinoids that are prohibited in sport?

Manufacturers may conduct their own testing – the reliability of these in-house testing programmes is unknown. Additionally, third-party laboratories who do screen CBD products for THC may not screen products for the presence of other prohibited substances. As a result, athletes should not rely on such test results as reassurance that the product they wish to use has a low THC content and is free from containing other cannabinoids that are prohibited in sport.

Attached link setting out the position of UKAD in relation to CBD products CLICK HERE


As with CBD products, the usual general advice applies to taking any supplements. Players should only take them at their own risk. The reason is simple, you cannot guarantee what is in the product, even if it has list of ingredients.

Some of these products can contain stimulants which may result in athlete bans from sport, but for those not competing, and simply taking the supplements to aid muscle growth, fat loss or recovery, there can still be severe health implications, from insomnia to cardiac arrhythmia and even heart attacks.

Doping Authority 'Netherlands'

De E-learnings van de dopingautoriteit zijn hier te vinden: elearning-dopingautoriteit. Het gaat dus om de modules zilver en brons. De dopingautoriteit heeft de dopingwaaier app ontwikkeld waarin sporters alle verboden stoffen kunnen opzoeken. De app is gratis te downloaden in de appstore. Op de website van de dopingautoriteit is nog veel meer terug te vinden, waaronder ook Tips voor schone sport (dopingautoriteit.nl)

Daarnaast heeft NOC*NSF ook meerdere voorlichtingsmodules ontwikkeld. Zo is er een E-learning speciaal voor topsporters, een E-learning matchfixing en een E-learning seksuele intimidatie. De E-learning zijn terug te vinden op de website van Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland: E-learnings- Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland

De NDB heeft zelf een aantal jaar geleden een hele fair play campagne gehad, waarin voor verschillende doelgroepen ook gedragsregels zijn opgesteld: www.ndbfairplay.nl 

English Translation

The doping authority's e-learning courses can be found here: e-learning doping authority.
This concerns the silver and bronze modules. The doping authority has developed the doping guide app in which athletes can look up all prohibited substances. The app can be downloaded for free from the app store. Much more can be found on the doping authority's website, including Tips for clean sport (dopingautoriteit.nl)

In addition, NOC*NSF has also developed several information modules. For example, there is an E-learning especially for top athletes, an E-learning match fixing and an E-learning sexual harassment. The E-learning can be found on the website of Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland: E-learnings - Centrum Veilige Sport Nederland

The NDB itself had a very fair play campaign a few years ago, in which rules of conduct were drawn up for various target groups: www.ndbfairplay.nl